Every company’s results depends on its own staff’s work and collaboration.Allowing them to carry out their work to the best of their abilities and making them feel they are a part of the company, while improving internal communication are fundamental aspects.A MOBILE PORTAL FOR HUMAN RESOURCESZucchetti's ZConnect - Enterprise Edition App is the mobile application that allows all the functions of a full Human Resources Portal to be used on mobile devices (smartphones and tablets): all resources useful for employees (communications, news about the company, personal documents such as payslips, attendance sheets or holiday plans) can be accessed 24/7, from anywhere and for people such as shift workers, on site or commercial staff who do not have a desktop computer.With the ZConnect application, which evolves constantly to meet companies’ growing needs, the Human Resources department can now allow its own employees to:
A SINGLE APP FOR ALL STAFF MANAGEMENT NEEDSDesigned for those people always on the move, the ZConnect App can also become the sole access gate for all mobile functions in the Zucchetti HR Management offer.In a single full application that is useful and simple to use, the company can create its own staff-dedicated mobile platform:
Therefore, with ZConnect staff always have everything they need to simplify their work, take part in company life and remain operational, even when they are on the move.
Who is the HR Portal ZConnect App dedicated to? The ZConnect - Enterprise Edition app can be used by all companies that want to innovate the internal communication with employees and increase the engagement in the HR management.
How can I activate the HR Portal ZConnect App ? The company has to enable its collaborators that will autonomously download the app from the main online stores.
Which operative systems is the ZConnect App compatible with?The ZConnect App is compatible with iOS and Android. The app can be downloaded from App Store and Google Play.
What do I need for the App to work properly? The company that wants to use the ZConnect App to coomunicate with its employees has to be using Zucchetti’s HR Portal.
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