
Digital Tourism Network

A Code of Conduct for Data Sharing in the Tourism Sector. Read about Lybra's participation

Lybra is proud to announce that Fulvio Giannetti, CEO & Head of Data Science at Lybra & Vice President Skal International Roma, met with the European Commission on July 14, 2021, to discuss their new campaign called "Digital Tourism Network: A Code of Conduct for Data Sharing in the Tourism Sector," which discussed the standards, principles & best practices of data sharing in the hospitality industry.

Fulvio Giannetti’s presentation, "Data & Artificial Intelligence at the Service of Competitiveness" was based on the recent launch of Lybra Eye – developed in partnership with The Zucchetti Group – the largest data hub in Italy, which provides access to real-time information on incoming travel demand, which offers considerable benefits for hotels and stakeholders in the sector.

The code of conduct is the first step that the European Commission has decided to take to make the tourism sector more competitive, by using data proactively, and the Lybra team is proud to make its contribution. 

Learn more about the new European Commission campaign here.