
From Online to Offline Thanks to Tilby Cloud POS Solution

The Story of Osteria Social

Recreational and cultural lab, Osteria Social is Cantina Social’s Wine Concept Store, communication and promotion of wine platform born from an idea of Lanfranco Guerriero e Adriano Amoretti with the aim of reaching and informing people related to the world of wine through conscious and fun communication.

Both are sommeliers and, actually, Osteria Social’s account managers. Adriano and Lanfranco decided to take advantage from the passion and the experience they have in food and wine to realize an educational project about the world of wine which, with the support of Matteo Franco - Art Director - and John Murnane - Copywriter, has evolved into a real content agency for the wineries' social channels.

The desire to integrate the online with the offline experience and, in particular, to offer to the customers the opportunity to try the pairing of wines and quality products in the field, in a comparison and socializing context, led to the birth of the Osteria Social format in summer 2021: a Wine Restaurant Bar opened in Ciriè and, two months later, at the Central Market of Turin. With the opening of these two places, now customers can taste different types of wine together with appetizers of all kinds, testing menus that also include gourmet tastings and oriental influences realized by a japanese chef who worked in two starred restaurants.

But how was it possible for a digital reality to turn into a successful Wine Bar Restaurant and so careful for customer needs?

Lanfranco, Osteria Social Account Manager, tells us about it.How does Tilby help you in opening your two Wine Restaurant Bars?

When we decided to open two physical places, we were looking for practical and easy-to-manage POS software, even on different devices, and Tilby immediately struck us for its immediacy and ease of use. Particularly positive was the professionalism and assistance that Tilby provided us from the first moment. As neophytes in the catering world, it was essential to have received ad hoc training and to have been supported and accompanied by professionals throughout our route. 

Which is the main advantage provided by a POS cloud software  like Tilby?
In addition to greatly simplifying our activities and meeting our needs, Tilby also perfectly meets those of our customers. An example is the possibility to monitor and to take action on the room’s performance even from remote. Often, in fact, the arrangement of the tables is modified to meet different customer needs, and Tilby allows us in a very simple way to dynamically map the new arrangement on the software. In this way, there is always correspondence between the arrangement of the tables and the display on Tilby. The Analytics function is also very useful, in particular the possibility of analyzing which products are most requested, so that they can be re-proposed inside the next menu complying with customer's preferences.

Which is one of Tilby’s functions that you appreciate the most?
The fact that Tilby is an open POS system and easily linked with other softwares. For example, among the various integrations available, we activated the one with Enoweb, which let us manage our wine list with the Tilby point of sales. This integration allows the customization of the latter according to the customer's interests and to keep it always updated. With Tilby, in fact, once the bottles have been sold, it is possible to view the automatic removal of the latter from the warehouse directly from the device. Actually, it never happens that we find ourselves without the wines requested by the customer.