Access Management

Improve Security in Your Company and increase Efficiency

Access Management is the access control software that works with Zucchetti terminals to ensure the comprehensive management of business security.

Access Management acquires, validates and monitors transits through business entrances and exits, such as doors, gates, barriers and turnstiles. Employees, visitors and vehicles are authorized to transit based on specific rules (time bands and days of the week, passback checks, PIN verification, etc.).

Fully web based, easy to configure and ready to use, Access Management is the user-friendly solution that responds perfectly to every business need. This is because the software meets all the security and automation criteria expected of an access control system. Access Management is secure, since profiled access, controlled by ID and Password, guarantees proper restrictions over the use and control of the database information held on a dedicated server.

  • Usable in SaaS node without investing in hardware or incurring installation costs;
  • Access control system can be monitored constantly anywhere, from any workstation, using a simple browser;
  • Profiled and secure access controlled by ID and Password, to ensure proper restrictions over use and control of the database information held on a dedicated server.
  • Ease of configuration and numerous automated features make Access Management a user-friendly solution that facilitates the management of business security; 
  • Flexibility and scalability make the solution perfect for all access control and business security needs;
  • Fully compatible and integrated with Zucchetti's attendance recording and absence identification system

Access management Methods:

  • ONLINEactive monitoring of reception areas in real time. Access rights and white lists are managed directly and unambiguously by the software. Transit data is recorded directly by the software.
  • OFFLINEpassive monitoring of reception areas. Access rights and white lists are stored on the terminals. Transit data (whether valid or not) is recorded by the control device and can be exported at any time.
  • SEMI-ONLINEmixed monitoring of transit points. The system maintains constant contact with the terminals, but access management can also be transferred directly to the terminals. This additional level of security ensures maximum control, even when software-hardware communications are interrupted.

Configuration and association of access profiles:

  • Access profiles based on pre-defined transit policies for access hours;
  • Ability to create a list of users, a list of visitors and a list of vehicles authorized to enter, for association with the access policies;
  • Ability to acquire a list of authorized users from an existing text file (.txt): the importation function is fully customizable;
  • Definition of specific behaviors when using the terminals;

Methods of communication
Various types of connection can be used to link the software with the access control terminals: ETHERNET LAN and GPRS. The connectivity solutions selected depend on the differing requirements and growth of the business, enabling various problems to be overcome - not least the inevitable logistical/geographical constraints.